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So far danielpape has created 148 blog entries.

Made New | What’s The Plan?

Sermon Scripture: John 20:19-31, 1 John 1:1-2:2 Like the disciples gathered in the upper room when Thomas asks to see Jesus for himself, we wrestle with the aftermath of the cross and resurrection.  The season of Eastertide is one in which we wrestle with the hope of big promises and the reality of broken and

Easter | Look Again

Sermon Scripture: John 19:41—20:18 To be able to honestly proclaim, “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed,” we, like the characters in our scripture passage this morning, must affirm that four important things are happening in our lives. You might say we are being invited to experience four things developing in our lives. Jesus makes

Good Friday Tenebrae Service

Welcome to our Good Friday service. This service is called a “Tenebrae” service. “Tenebrae” is an old word with Latin roots which means “shadows.” It is given this name to reflect the darkness of Jesus’ final hours and his crucifixion. Re-living the final hours of Jesus’ life is important. It helps bring into focus the

The Lenten Journey, IN THE LIGHT

Sermon Scripture: John 3:16-21, Ephesians 2:1-10 The Spirit’s work in our hearts is an open invitation of naming our imperfects and leaving them with Christ on our altars. As the Lord renovates the space of our lives, we often see the dust begin to settle right back where it has been cleared away. Today we

The Lenten Journey, FIDELITY

Sermon Scripture: John 2:13-22 Today as we return to our lenten passages we make a jump from the Gospel of Mark’s accounts over to the book of John. Today’s text focuses on the question “What does it mean to be the faithful church of Jesus?” https://youtu.be/z3xpdeIUTIQ Subscribe to our Podcast Each week we offer our

LENT 2024, The Journey

Sermon Scripture: Mark 1:9-15 During the weeks of Lent we become especially mindful of all that alienates us from God, indeed, of the human evil that nailed Jesus to those rough beams. This we lament with sadness. At the same time, we understand that by his death Jesus secured for us forgiveness and eternal life.