About danielpape

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So far danielpape has created 155 blog entries.

Practicing Sabbath | STOP

Sermon Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30, Exodus 20:8-11 Flip through any popular magazine, watch any show, scroll on you phone, and you will see all sorts of advertisements; a couple drinking coffee and reading the morning newspaper in bed, a man lounging on the couch playing the guitar, a group of friends on the beach for a

ALIVE IN CHRIST | Look and See

Sermon Scripture: John 20:19-31 In the Easter season we celebrate the biggest mystery of faith: that Jesus willingly took upon himself death on a cross, providing victory over the sins of the world and the curse of death as he rose from the grave.  This fact of faith, compared to all the other fantastic stories

Easter Sunday | Living in Consolation

Sermon Scripture: Luke 24:1-12, 13-32, 48-49 Have you been moving toward doubt, fear, anger, frustration, impatience, annoyance these days? Or have you been moving toward greater faith, hope, love, kindness, peace, and patience? The consolation of God is not simply an optimistic view of the resurrection for us here in holy week. The consolation of