We encourage you to read and reflect on these scriptures, songs, notes, and prayers as we look forward to our time of worship together this coming Sunday.

Please print this guide or have it handy in digital format for use during the service.

And don’t forget to join us Sunday immediately following the service in our virtual foyer for a group video chat! It’s easy to join! Just click here.


Please join in on the bolded lines.

O God, you come to us in unexpected places;
In isolation behind closed doors, or our places of cautious gathering
On dusty roads, as we go from place to place
In video chats with friends and phone conversations with loved ones.

You come bringing us peace, where there is no peace
You come bringing us hope when everything seems hopeless
You come bringing us courage when we are afraid.
Come and be among us now, in every place where we are.
Open our eyes to see you, open our hearts to know you.
In the name of the Risen Christ we pray.

(Inspired by Luke 24:13-35, written by Ann Harbridge)


CCLI #7026992 | Eric J. Marshall © 2014
Performed by Emmaus Road Worship Team


Please join in on the bolded lines.

We confess to each other and to You, our Creator, that we fall short of being what we have been created to be, what we have committed ourselves to be disciples of the kingdom.

Hear us, forgive us, renew our resolve to build the kingdom of peace.

We often seek out the easiest paths; paths of least involvement in places where we might be uncomfortable, or paths of self-centeredness.

Hear us, forgive us, renew our resolve to build the kingdom of peace.

Forgive us for getting so caught up in the world’s trappings and its false messages of hope that we lose sight of the hope of the kingdom, which brings healing and peace to a world in turmoil.

Hear us, forgive us, renew our resolve to build the kingdom of peace.

In this time of worship may we resolve to become more kingdom-minded to be your peacemakers here and now.



You are invited to hold your hands out, palm-up as we receive His grace.

You are God’s Beloved; with you, God is well pleased. You are renewed and restored. You are forgiven and loved. You are a new creation in Christ, everything old has passed away; see, everything is becoming new.

All: Thanks be to God


CCLI #7030068 | Hannah McClure, Kalley Heiligenthal, and Paul McClure
© 2014
Performed by Emmaus Road Worship Team


God At Work

Sermon Scripture:
Romans 8:28-30 (NTE)


Paul states that our present suffering isn’t worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed to us (vs. 18). 

Paul seems to be saying that no matter how bad the nature of my suffering, the goodness of new creation will be greater. 

In his book “The Patient Ferment of the Early Church” author Alan Kreider argues that the earliest Christians knew the value of patient hope. This moment in history is a real opportunity for Christians to display a unique hope and patience. And to display the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, self-control. It is precisely when the world seems to be falling apart that our confidence in God’s ability to work in the midst of all things is put to the test.

Paul, then uses glory in different way. He says that creation itself groans and awaits for the children of God to be glorified (vs. 21). We learned last week that glory, when applied to humanity, refers to an elevation of status or authority as God’s co-rulers over creation.  

Illustration: The children in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe are elevated as co-rulers over Narnia with Aslan.

The whole creation sits in bondage to death and decay. It groans for redemption and for the children of God to be glorified and take their rightful place as co-rulers with God. Suffering is universal to life, but we look forward to a day when all things will be made new and we can be restored to the glory (authority) God intended for us.


The text invites to hope, but what is Christian hope? There are a number of thoughts (misconceptions) out there: 

Escape: We’ll be going along the time space continuum when all of the sudden God will take us up into the sky and take us to an eternal place that is apart from this world.   

Optimism: There is a plane of reality on which all of us live, but if we can adjust our attitude toward something more positive, then we’ll be able to get by.

Progress: As history goes along, we should be getting better at sharing life together. Hope is found in the confidence that with the passing of time, we’ll learn what we need to learn to overcome challenges that we face.

Restoration: Restoration is often seen as a circle – returning back to that which was. But, God’s plan is not for us to return, but to dynamically move us forward.

Resurrection: Biblical hope is found in resurrection. When the world was headed fully toward death and the ways of death, THEN GOD…. Resurrection is God intersecting human history and setting it back on the right course. Resurrection is God bringing everything to its completion; setting the world right in such a way that even death is overcome and defeated.  

Hope is the ability to be honest about where we are and yet confident of what is to come. Paul says it this way: “we can’t hope for that which we cannot see.” (vs. 24) 

Illustration: The Lord of the Rings talks of the “growing shadow” in the land. Things eventually become so dark, there is little evidence or light to move forward. Yet, this small fellowship, separated and broken, continues on their journey in hope.

As Christians we are called to wait in patience for the things that are to be revealed. And we do so on the basis that Christ is risen! Resurrection of Christ was the downpayment of new creation.

These are difficult days as we face racial tensions, economic struggle, public health crisis, and division. But, God is at work in the midst of all things, working with us, to make all things new. So, we continue to hope for the day when all the sad things will come untrue, the shadow will be lifted, and God’s new world will be revealed.


Prepare the elements of “bread” and “wine” for use as we gather around The Lord’s Table. These can be any items convenient around the home that symbolize these for you. 


Christ has died.
Christ is risen. 
Christ will come again.


As we pray together, we invite you to share your own requests and testimonies with us this week. If you have a request you can share it live in our video stream chat, or you may email us at emmausroadfc@gmail.com


Our Father in heaven,
        hallowed be your Name,
        your kingdom come,
        your will be done,
        on earth as in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins
        as we forgive those
        who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation, 
        and deliver us from evil.
For yours is the kingdom, 
        and the power,
        and the glory for ever and ever.


You are invited to hold your hands out, palm-up as we receive this benediction.

As you go from here into the week ahead,
with whatever joys and challenges it holds,
do not be discouraged or disheartened.
Remember the glory that awaits you as a child of God.
Hold on to that truth; live in that hope.
And may the peace of God, the blessing of Jesus Christ,
and the presence of the Holy Spirit, be with you wherever he leads you.