Practicing the Way of Jesus: The Grace of Giving
Sermon Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 In most Christian churches, generosity is described as one of the core values of the Christian life. The Bible records Jesus saying these words – “it is better to give
Practicing the Way of Jesus: Against The Flow
Sermon Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-7 Life just just happens. We wake up, go about our days, years go by, and one day we realize we've been formed into a particular shape. Then, when we begin
Practicing the Way of Jesus: The Shape of Us
Sermon Scripture: Romans 12:1-2 Spiritual formation isn’t a Christian thing or even a religious thing; it’s a human thing. To be human is to grow, to mature, to adapt over time. Formation is simply the
Practicing the Way of Jesus: Follow Me
Sermon Scripture: Mark 1:16-20 Everybody is following somebody or something. We have all heard of a life lived following Jesus, but what exactly does that mean? Does it mean we believe in a set of
Dr. Virgil Askren, The Lord Calls
Sermon Scripture: 1 Samuel 3 In 1st Samuel, God called the young prophet Samuel to his service, to which Samuel replies, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” Join us as our Colorado Nazarene District Superintendent,
Annual Meeting | Present, Pursue, Partner
Sermon Scripture: Colossians 1:3-23 This week we hear the stories and look at the evidence of all that God is doing among us at Emmaus Road. We will hear from our pastor, treasurer, and each
Pentecost, What the Spirit is Like
Sermon Scripture: Acts 2:1–21 On the day of Pentecost, we are reminded that the Holy Spirit will not be confined to temples or sleep on altars, nor will it be limited to a special, select
Made New | For the Sake of the World
Sermon Scripture: John 17:6-19 God does not love and sanctify us holy in spite of the world, but for the sake of the world, and this has been his position from the very beginning. We
Made New | Love Each Other
Sermon Scripture: John 15:9-17, 1 John 5:1-3 Christian faith involves trusting that at the center of the universe is a God overflowing with love for his world, which means that the purpose of human existence
Made New | Abide in Me
Sermon Scripture: John 15:1-8 As Jesus describes himself as The Vine, and his friends as the branches, he is giving his followers key principles for finding peace and purpose in life — especially when things