Pastor Andy Lucas, preaching form John 20:19-31 shows how the uprising of Jesus is an uprising of fellowship! Sometimes we misunderstand fellowship as a sense of community among like-minded people. A sense of belonging among people who all paid their dues, believe the same thing, and have the same partisan persuasions. That isn’t fellowship. It might be camaraderie, but it isn’t fellowship.

“Fellowship is a kind of belonging that isn’t based on status, achievement, or gender, but instead is based on a deep belief that everyone matters, everyone is welcome, and everyone is loved, no conditions, no exceptions.” -Brian McLaren, We Make The Road By Walking, pg. 175

This Christ-centered uprising is for all people. Those who aren’t certain all the time. Those who tend to fear. Those who know exactly what they believe, and those who aren’t sure what or how to believe. Those who are brave and those who aren’t. It is for men AND women. It is for the rich AND the poor. It is for those who show their scars and those who tend to hide them. And it must be this way, because only together we can figure things out. Only together can we can learn to hope, believe, and love.