Sermon Scripture: Ezekiel 37: 1-147 (NLT)

Ezekiel Passage (Ez. 37:1-14, NLT): Israel (and humanity) has a heart problem that leads to violence, power-broking, and ignoring the vulnerable. The valley of dry bones is picture of their spiritual state. They are skeletons in need of the breath of God to revive them. Main point: The power of God extends into the realm of death to bring about new creation.

Pentecost Passage (Acts 2): The disciples have followed Jesus and learned from him. He is resurrected, but no longer with them. How will they carry this message? How will they keep from falling in to old ways of thinking/acting? God sends God’s Spirit and is now available to all people to transform their hearts. Their hearts of stone will become hearts of flesh.

Today: The Church, throughout history, has been tempted by old systems of power. How will the Church be brought back on course? How will the Church shine with radiance? Through the wind of heaven, continually shaping us as citizens of new creation.

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