Welcome! At Emmaus Road Church, we are committed to intentional faith formation to support and partner with families to raise their children to know God. Here are some things to know about our children’s ministry.

When you arrive, you’ll meet a Greeter who will bring you to the check-in desk if you want your child to attend class. Children who attend class must be checked in. Children are also welcome in the Sanctuary any time.
Check-in is open from 9:30am – 10:10am.
- Nursery & Preschool Classes open at 9:30am
- Elementary Class begins in the Sanctuary (sitting with parents) and are dismissed to class after Passing the Peace (Passing the Peace is the time when we welcome each other)
When you check your child into class for the first time, we will ask you to write down your information so we can enter it into our system. This information will help us know what class your child will attend, keep track of who is in each classroom, get name tags for you and your child for a safe pick up, and provide us with contact info for our paging system. Please notify us of allergies, food guidelines, or anything else that can help us take proper care of your children (this info will show up on the name tag – please clarify if you DON’T want it on the name tag but need the teacher informed and we will make that happen).
The next time you check-in for class it will be much simpler! Thanks for your patience this first time.
Our paging system is done via text message. Your phone number is on your child’s name tag, and on the classroom roster. The volunteer will text you if you are needed.
All of our volunteers have cleared a current background check and have been trained in our safety policies & procedures.
We keep a First Aid Kit in every classroom. If your child gets hurt and needs more than a band-aid and extra kindness, we will text you.
Once a month we gather together for an intergenerational service: a service for all ages!
Combining generations instills a sense of belonging: it helps kids connect with people outside their regular Sunday circle and to feel like they’re part of the entire church. The service itself is important for faith development even though kids can’t always explain the meaning of what’s going on. The practices, community, stories, and sensory things happening in service begin to teach them about Christian faith and as they get older their understanding of those things changes. A child’s faith is valuable even when they can’t describe it, even when it doesn’t look like ours.
We know it is hard to have kids in service. Perfect behavior isn’t expected. Try sitting with another family or one of the kids’ teachers and ask for help if you need it. Here are a few other supports available:
The Wiggle Corner
The wiggle corner provides a safe and spacious area for young children to wiggle, act their age, and feel welcomed and safe in the church community. It is equipped with several types of toys for your child to explore. At least one caregiver should remain with the child.
Participation Bulletin
This bulletin is for readers and writers of all ages. It explains the many parts of the church service here at Emmaus Road Church. It contains a variety of activities to help focus on and engage with what’s happening around you. There are also Scripture-inspired coloring pages available. Bags of crayons and pens for filling out these papers are available at the supply table. This bulletin is also a great tool to bring home for reflection.
Fidget Tools
Busy hands can help people focus. If that works for you or your child, feel free to utilize a fidget tool. These toys are advertised to be safe for 3 years old and up. Please return it when the service ends.
Do you have any questions about Ekidz? Contact Pastor Grace Easton.
Our curriculum follows the lectionary (with occasional times when we do something different). The adult service also follows the lectionary for most of the year, so you’ll be having a similar lesson as your kids. Pastor Grace writes the lessons, and we sometimes use the Illustrated Ministry resources as a curriculum.
Every week there is a Bible story which serves as the center of the lesson. We play, use our senses, move our bodies, craft, and do activities that all contribute to and center our Bible lesson.
Right outside of the classroom space we have a fenced in playground. We use it on days when the ground is dry, there’s no precipitation, and it’s at least 35 degrees. Classes may go outside after the lesson has been completed. Teachers leave the door propped open when the class is outside. (In warmer months we sometimes do activities or the Bible Story outside, and in that case the door will also be propped open)
Every classroom has a snack time. We have a few cracker options & individual applesauces. In the nursery there are squeeze fruits and puffs for children whose parents are okay with that. Let us know if you have any food guidelines for your child that we can accommodate.
These are a few examples of what kinds of events we do at Emmaus Road Church. Some are just geared for kids, but we also have many that include the whole family/church.
Game Night
The first Friday of every month at 6:30pm we have a game night. There are games for all ages and stages, plus some snacks.
Slip n’ Slide Bash
At the end of August we come together for a big slip n’ slide party with other water/sand options for young kids and enjoy an ice cream buffet.
The Great Pumpkin Party
On a Sunday evening we gather for a potluck soup dinner, pumpkin painting, and other games in the church courtyard.
Winter Extravaganza
A get together for winter themed crafting, making a gingerbread ‘campsite’ together, and feasting on hot chocolate!
Easter Party
Every Easter, before church, we have a big all-church party with a bounce house and fun Easter-themed crafts for all ages.
Celebration Guides
We provide Celebration Guides for several holidays throughout the year to help you celebrate faith at home. These are fun, engaging, and memorable. We provide the supplies for the main activity, and the rest are common to have around the home.
Resource Bulletin
Check out our printed Family Resource Guide at the Check-In desk to find ideas for books, Bibles, podcasts, and other resources great for kids and parents.
Nursery Class – (3 months – 2 years old)
Babies are developing trust, which is an important foundation in faith development, so our priority is to nurture that trust by being trustworthy. We do that by comforting, playing, keeping them safe, etc. We have many Bible story books in the room and we always read one or two stories with each child.
Preschool Class – (3 years old – Kindergarten)
Children in this class are learning foundational things about God through practices, experiences, and stories. We use play to imagine ourselves in the stories. There is also a variety of crafts, games, and activities that accompany the lesson during class. All of these help a child connect with God in age appropriate ways, and prepare them for what’s to come!
Elementary Class – (1st – 6th Grade)
In early elementary, kids begin to find meaning in stories. In class we tell the story of God and help the kids find meaning in it. Kids at this age continue to think literally about faith and morality, so you can expect that the meanings they find are also literal. This is an important step in faith development.
In upper elementary, kids begin to think more abstractly. The meanings they find in the stories are more layered and have more depth. At this stage it’s normal for them to have questions and doubts, and to wrestle with competing ideas.
This class comes alongside these two learning groups and nurtures them in each stage.