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So far danielpape has created 153 blog entries.

Practicing Sabbath | WORSHIP

Sermon Scripture: Matthew 12:1-8 The sabbath is a means by which we enter into what Jesus called “the kingdom, or the reign, of God.” It’s a day when God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven. But sabbath is so much more than a set of do’s and don’ts that we etch

Practicing Sabbath | DELIGHT

Sermon Scripture: Isaiah 58:13-14 Many of us have yet to learn how to enjoy God… believe in him, yes, learn from him, yes, obey him even, but delight in him?  In the access we have to God, through Jesus’ death and resurrection and the coming of the Spirit, into the inner life of the Trinity,

Practicing Sabbath | REST

Sermon Scripture: Deuteronomy 5:12-15 The Bible gives us 2 versions of the 1st Commandment on the Sabbath. At Sinai, Sabbath is about rhythm, In Deuteronomy, it’s about resistance. We work more than ever before, we have more than ever before, and we’re still not happy. It’s Egypt all over again and it’s so easy to

Practicing Sabbath | STOP

Sermon Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30, Exodus 20:8-11 Flip through any popular magazine, watch any show, scroll on you phone, and you will see all sorts of advertisements; a couple drinking coffee and reading the morning newspaper in bed, a man lounging on the couch playing the guitar, a group of friends on the beach for a