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So far danielpape has created 153 blog entries.

The Lenten Journey, IN THE LIGHT

Sermon Scripture: John 3:16-21, Ephesians 2:1-10 The Spirit’s work in our hearts is an open invitation of naming our imperfects and leaving them with Christ on our altars. As the Lord renovates the space of our lives, we often see the dust begin to settle right back where it has been cleared away. Today we

The Lenten Journey, FIDELITY

Sermon Scripture: John 2:13-22 Today as we return to our lenten passages we make a jump from the Gospel of Mark’s accounts over to the book of John. Today’s text focuses on the question “What does it mean to be the faithful church of Jesus?” https://youtu.be/z3xpdeIUTIQ Subscribe to our Podcast Each week we offer our

LENT 2024, The Journey

Sermon Scripture: Mark 1:9-15 During the weeks of Lent we become especially mindful of all that alienates us from God, indeed, of the human evil that nailed Jesus to those rough beams. This we lament with sadness. At the same time, we understand that by his death Jesus secured for us forgiveness and eternal life. 

Epiphany, A Recipe For Endurance

Sermon Scripture: Mark 1:29-39 The Kingdom has come through Jesus for a specific purpose; to renew humanity and creation to its original design by overcoming the obstacles that prevent us from union with God and one another — but how are we doing at living this calling? How are you caring for your physical, emotional,

Epiphany, Louder Than Words

Sermon Scripture: Mark 1:21-28 The Kingdom of Heaven’s authority is undeniable and it is not segregated to certain locations and aspects of our lives. And unlike the authority demonstrated by other power hungry rulers, the stance that Jesus’s authority takes is all together unique. It is so compassionate and focused on the welfare of humanity

Epiphany, The Light Has Come

Sermon Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12, Isaiah 60:1-3 In this season of Epiphany between Christmas and Lent, it is customary to focus on the life and ministry of Jesus, because the revelation of God with us in Jesus is what we have been waiting for! In Matthew 2, the Magi demonstrate for us four elements critical to

Christmastide, Let The Music Play

Sermon Scripture: Luke 2:22-40, Isaiah 61:10-62:3 The community of faith matters! Why else would Mary and Joseph in their poverty make the effort to bring Jesus for dedication? How else could Simeon and Anna have known the tune which they were listening for? How else could they have known what consolation to bring to others?