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So far danielpape has created 155 blog entries.

Hebrews: Jesus our High Priest

Sermon Scripture: Hebrews 5:1-10 Theologian Fulton Sheen said that every priest is essentially a Jacob's ladder—that is to say, someone who connects heaven and earth. Thomas Aquinas asserts simply that the priest is a mediator, a bridge, between human beings and God.  This week we consider Jesus as the ultimate and final high priest. https://youtu.be/EyNJLxPpdI4

Hebrews: Jesus our Prophet

Sermon Scripture: Hebrews 3:1-6 For us, the story of Jesus and all that he taught and demonstrated is familiar and well covered ground. But, for the 1st century Jews, this upstart Jesus and his radical reformation of the Mosaic law was brand new, and depending on how seriously you took him, he was either who

Hebrews: A Covenant Worth Keeping

Sermon Scripture: Hebrews 1:1-4 Hebrews was written from one devout Jewish follower of Christ to others struggling in their faith. A struggle that many of us are accustomed to today. Throughout this series we will dwell on the incomparable glory of the person and work of Jesus Christ; showing his supremacy over angels and prophets,

James: Patience in Prayer

Sermon Scripture: James 5 The book of James suggests that followers of Christ thrive through faithful devotion to God’s mercy and grace and a lived life of faith and works, reliance on wisdom to reorient the fickle motivations of our hearts, and to trust God with the providing, protecting, and ordering of our lives. But,

James 4: What is Trust?

Sermon Scripture: James 4 James chapter 4 feels like a set of three disconnected warnings to the early followers of the way of Jesus, but if we take a step back, we can see a common thread running through each. In verses 1-10 James warns against envy and material greed, in verses 11-12 he warns

James: Our Common Lives

Sermon Scripture: James 2 In James chapter two we are reminded; that God doesn’t play favorites with who he welcomes into his family, therefore we shouldn’t either, we will be tempted to take our salvation into our own hands in an effort to buy it or manipulate it, when it remains a work of God

James: God Our Source

Sermon Scripture: James 1:17-27 This week we begin to study the book of James. James does not read like one of Paul's letters where he addresses specific problems in one local church, rather this book is a summary of James's sage wisdom for any and every follower of Christ. James's goal isn't to teach new

Ephesians: Equipped to Stand

Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-18 We all live at the mercy of certain forces out of our control, some of which leave us frustrated, damaged, or even completely defeated. Christians need to know that: (1) we are part of this struggle and must be able to recognize the forces against us; (2) we are called to