ALIVE IN CHRIST | Remain in Me
Sermon Scripture: Luke 24:33-35, John 15:1-11
The best way to engage in the consolation of the peace of Christ in the wake of fear and doubt is to rehearse what he said and to put it into practice.
Among the many things that Jesus shared with his closest friends and family at the table of the last supper, the night before his crucifixion, was the familiar metaphor of the vine and the branches which says; we are the branches, we have a clear and simple role which has a very specific outcome, to bear fruit, and the fruit that is to be borne is very specific. It is to enact all the things Jesus said and did. To love God and love others as best we can.
May we remain grafted in the vine, connected with one another, and open to the pruning of the gardener.
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