Emmaus Road Church https://emmausroadfc.org/ Fort Collins Mon, 17 Feb 2025 04:33:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://emmausroadfc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/ER-ICON-270-66x66.png Emmaus Road Church https://emmausroadfc.org/ 32 32 Proclamation – The Tree and the Thirst https://emmausroadfc.org/proclamation-the-tree-and-the-thirst/ https://emmausroadfc.org/proclamation-the-tree-and-the-thirst/#respond Mon, 17 Feb 2025 04:33:00 +0000 https://emmausroadfc.org/?p=31301 Sermon Scripture: Jeremiah 17:5-10 Jeremiah’s prophetic words were full of honest naming of the infidelity to God that led to his people’s destruction—but his message also was saturated in lovingly poetic promises of God’s faithfulness if his people would humble themselves and confess their sin, and return their trust to the Lord. Will we be

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Sermon Scripture: Jeremiah 17:5-10

Jeremiah’s prophetic words were full of honest naming of the infidelity to God that led to his people’s destruction—but his message also was saturated in lovingly poetic promises of God’s faithfulness if his people would humble themselves and confess their sin, and return their trust to the Lord.

Will we be like the parched thorn bush in the desert sands or the deeply rooted tree by the water’s edge, unbothered by the heat nor worried by long months of drought, our leaves evergreen, consistently producing good fruit?

The tree and the thirst, this is our invitation today — a life that is not driven by fear but sustained by trust, not restless in vain striving, but rooted in God’s deep peace.

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https://emmausroadfc.org/proclamation-the-tree-and-the-thirst/feed/ 0 31301
Proclamation – Whom Shall He Send? https://emmausroadfc.org/proclamation-whom-shall-he-send/ https://emmausroadfc.org/proclamation-whom-shall-he-send/#respond Sun, 09 Feb 2025 21:35:27 +0000 https://emmausroadfc.org/?p=31295 Sermon Scripture: Luke 5:1-11, Isaiah 6:1-8 God has proclaimed, “Unto us a savior is given,” and Jesus has invited us to come and see, go and tell — “making Christlike disciples in all the earth.” So today, we consider the call of God upon our lives and we find encouragement in God’s equipping and guiding

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Sermon Scripture: Luke 5:1-11, Isaiah 6:1-8

God has proclaimed, “Unto us a savior is given,” and Jesus has invited us to come and see, go and tell — “making Christlike disciples in all the earth.” So today, we consider the call of God upon our lives and we find encouragement in God’s equipping and guiding us in living the call.

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https://emmausroadfc.org/proclamation-whom-shall-he-send/feed/ 0 31295
Proclamation – Love Shines Bright https://emmausroadfc.org/proclamation-love-shines-bright/ https://emmausroadfc.org/proclamation-love-shines-bright/#respond Mon, 03 Feb 2025 05:26:07 +0000 https://emmausroadfc.org/?p=31288 Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Long after the rest of the world has moved on from the decorations of Christmas, the church remains wrapped in light and greenery because we want to remember, we work to remember — the light has come, and the light of Christ shines brightly through us. As we celebrate Epiphany

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Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Long after the rest of the world has moved on from the decorations of Christmas, the church remains wrapped in light and greenery because we want to remember, we work to remember — the light has come, and the light of Christ shines brightly through us.

As we celebrate Epiphany and Candlemas, and the final Sunday of having our Christmas decorations on display, we consider how our love becomes a flame through which the Holy Spirit shines brightly to all the world.

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https://emmausroadfc.org/proclamation-love-shines-bright/feed/ 0 31288
Proclamation – One Body https://emmausroadfc.org/proclamation-one-body/ https://emmausroadfc.org/proclamation-one-body/#respond Sun, 26 Jan 2025 21:42:06 +0000 https://emmausroadfc.org/?p=31283 Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 What if, in the midst of a culture that celebrates individualism, we are instead called to embrace belonging, humility, and responsibility within the community of faith? The Gospel message suggests that our purpose is to live in openness to others through service, acts of love and kindness, and protecting the

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Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

What if, in the midst of a culture that celebrates individualism, we are instead called to embrace belonging, humility, and responsibility within the community of faith? The Gospel message suggests that our purpose is to live in openness to others through service, acts of love and kindness, and protecting the most vulnerable among us.

At a time when the world shouts, “ME is greater than WE!” Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians challenge us to consider that perhaps we’ve got it backwards—maybe WE is greater than ME.

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https://emmausroadfc.org/proclamation-one-body/feed/ 0 31283
Proclamation – Gifted https://emmausroadfc.org/proclamation-gifted/ Sun, 19 Jan 2025 21:20:07 +0000 https://emmausroadfc.org/?p=31276 Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 God wants to use each and every one of us to accomplish his goodness, and it's going to look different for each one of us. It won’t look and feel the same, there is not one best way of being used by God that is better than the others, but

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Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11

God wants to use each and every one of us to accomplish his goodness, and it’s going to look different for each one of us. It won’t look and feel the same, there is not one best way of being used by God that is better than the others, but God is faithful to use us for his work if we will join in the process.

God wants to help you become the perfect version of yourself. This version of you is not only content and healthy, but it brings contentment and health to everyone around you, resulting in others becoming the best version of themselves too.

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Proclamation – Open Heaven https://emmausroadfc.org/proclamation-open-heaven/ Sun, 12 Jan 2025 21:20:37 +0000 https://emmausroadfc.org/?p=31269 Sermon Scripture: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22, John 1:43-51 The message for the first day of Epiphany was that the light of God has shined upon all humanity. Today, the message on this first Sunday of Epiphany is that accompanying the light of heaven, comes its power, presence, and potency invading our humanley form; our weaknesses, our

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Sermon Scripture: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22, John 1:43-51

The message for the first day of Epiphany was that the light of God has shined upon all humanity. Today, the message on this first Sunday of Epiphany is that accompanying the light of heaven, comes its power, presence, and potency invading our humanley form; our weaknesses, our strengths, our very being.

Heaven not only shined upon us, heaven opened right up and descended to dwell within us.

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Proclamation – Epiphany’s Road https://emmausroadfc.org/proclamation-epiphanys-road/ Sun, 05 Jan 2025 21:04:13 +0000 https://emmausroadfc.org/?p=31262 Sermon Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12 In Epiphany we are reminded that God knows our road — the roads we've travelled so often they become mundane and the roads we have never paid any attention to. Most of us are facing crossroads of many kinds today on this first Sunday of 2025. Jesus may be opening up

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Sermon Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12

In Epiphany we are reminded that God knows our road — the roads we’ve travelled so often they become mundane and the roads we have never paid any attention to. Most of us are facing crossroads of many kinds today on this first Sunday of 2025. Jesus may be opening up new ways before you, or he may be causing you to see old worn roads in a new light. Our story is about following Jesus in surprising, beautiful, and sometimes challenging ways.

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Joyful Expectation – Presentation of our Lord https://emmausroadfc.org/joyful-expectation-presentation-of-our-lord/ Sun, 29 Dec 2024 21:56:00 +0000 https://emmausroadfc.org/?p=31257 Sermon Scripture: Luke 1:68-79 This week we hear the story of Jesus' presentation at the temple, where Simeon and Anna recognize Him as the long-awaited Messiah. Their joyful proclamation reminds us that God is faithful to fulfill His promises, even after years of waiting and longing. As we celebrate Christ’s arrival, we are invited to

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Sermon Scripture: Luke 1:68-79

This week we hear the story of Jesus’ presentation at the temple, where Simeon and Anna recognize Him as the long-awaited Messiah. Their joyful proclamation reminds us that God is faithful to fulfill His promises, even after years of waiting and longing. As we celebrate Christ’s arrival, we are invited to live like Simeon and Anna—devoted, watchful, and ready to declare His light and salvation to the world.

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Christmas Eve, Candlelight Service https://emmausroadfc.org/christmas-eve-candlelight-service/ Wed, 25 Dec 2024 05:47:40 +0000 https://emmausroadfc.org/?p=31251 Sermon Scripture: Luke 2:1-20 The truth that we celebrate in Christmas is that the light of the world has come. Jesus Christ, our messiah, our savior is born. This is why candle light is so important at Christmas. These lights proclaim the THE light has come. https://youtu.be/pl1Rg07x0uY Subscribe to our Podcast Each week we offer

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Sermon Scripture: Luke 2:1-20

The truth that we celebrate in Christmas is that the light of the world has come. Jesus Christ, our messiah, our savior is born. This is why candle light is so important at Christmas. These lights proclaim the THE light has come.

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Joyful Expectation – Pt. 4, He Chooses You https://emmausroadfc.org/joyful-expectation-pt-4-he-chooses-you/ Sun, 22 Dec 2024 23:14:58 +0000 https://emmausroadfc.org/?p=31244 Sermon Scripture: Luke 1:68-79 God chose Mary; 15-years old, poor, and unwed. He chose Elizabeth, a senior in the old folks home, used up, overlooked, too old. And you know what? He chooses you! This anthem for a new age that Mary sings about, this different kind of Kingdom that she envisions, that Jesus comes

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Sermon Scripture: Luke 1:68-79

God chose Mary; 15-years old, poor, and unwed. He chose Elizabeth, a senior in the old folks home, used up, overlooked, too old. And you know what? He chooses you! This anthem for a new age that Mary sings about, this different kind of Kingdom that she envisions, that Jesus comes to demonstrate, it only happens when it is lived out in you.

In our contemporary context we need a Christianity formed by the Magnificat. In the American superpower we are typically inclined toward ideologies of success and anthems of strength. But the grace of God does not run uphill toward the pinnacles of success and strength, it rolls downhill toward the low places of humility and trust.

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